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Long Time, No Log

Yeah, yeah, so sue me.  It has been a long time with no new post from the Swirlster.  Well, here is the answer to your wishes, dears…

I have accepted a position on the school newspaper as Entertainment Editor.  It has been interesting so far – wish me continued luck with it, please!

So far so good…

ART 101: Elements of Design – B+
ART 132: Intro to Drawing – B
HST 115: World Civ. Since 1500 – B
THE 250: Intro to Theater – B+

I’m pre-registering for spring classes soon.  So far it looks like I will be tackling the following:

ART 140: Intro to Printmaking
ART 102: 3D Design
PSY 360: Abnormal Psych
JRN 191: Newspaper Production

I need one more class to add to the load … hmmm…

Work-study is going along well.  I have played waitress at the last two gallery openings.  I will reprise this role on Sunday to open the “Senior Show”, which showcases artwork by the lucky girls and guys who escape the Mickey Mouse politics of the art department through graduation in December.

I was on running crew for the student production “Working”, a musical.  It was a very interesting endeavor and one that I would like to try again.  The hours were long, but the experience was overall a pleasant one.

Gray and I are still doing well.  It’s amazing the difference that my deciding not to get cable when we moved made.  I’ll put it in easy to understand mathematical terms for you:

no cable = less distractions + no WWF

less distractions + no WWF = more quality time + more reading + more talking

more quality time + more reading + more talking = happier Jenn & Gray

 no cable = happier Jenn & Gray

11 thoughts on “

  1. I just watch WWF elsewhere sweetie 🙂

  2. Glad to see you are still around!

    I should probally get rid of my cable modem and I would get stuff done like you do. 

  3. Glad to know everything’s goin good. Are you gonna be around from now on or still just every once in a while?


  4. I’ve missed you, Swirlie! However, I’m so glad that everything is going well for you!


  5. It’s good to know you are doing well 🙂 I’ve missed your posts. Hope you hear from you more often!

  6. Nice to see you back!  I hear ya on the cable….I was weak, I didn’t have it for almost 9 months (August 2000-March 2001), but finally caved… and I DID accomplish so much more when it wasn’t here.    Ah well, must have my ER, you know…..and I’m a football nut!

  7. WWF? Yay.. I’d rather watch Woody Allen-movies..

  8. Oh the boys of my household would never survive!

  9. Yes, I’m sure you can find much more interesting ways to occupy yourselves…

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