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Happy Pout Day to me!

Every year around this date I start to get anxious.  I wonder what that year’s birthday will bring.  I spend a lot of time telling myself not to get my hopes up, but I do in spite of myself.  When the big day rolls around, January 14th, I wake up and start to look around, all sparkly eyed.  What surprises await me?

The day drags on and I am forgotten to those around me.  My mother is always a disappointment.  She usually dons a card with little to no thought, signed witha hasty scrawl of “Mom.”

If I get a present it is something I would have liked when I was five.  Last year, for my 24th birthday, I got a teddy bear.  This year only a card marked the day.  It was sent through the mail – no phone call or anything.  At least it got here on time this year.  In 2000 she held on to it for three weeks waiting for me to come pick it up myself.  That year I lived 7 miles away.

I don’t want you to get the idea that I am some spoiled brat who expects a Lexxus in the driveway.  It’s not that at all.  It’s that I am the oldest of four and I always get snubbed on my birthday.  When I was 12 I got a 6-pack of V8 cans and a pack of watermelon bubble gum.  Four months later when my brother turned 3 he got over $50 worth of toys that he was too young to play with and a party.

It has always been this way – he and my youngest brother have always had parties, big gifts, lots of hoo-hah around the day – whatever they wanted.  My sister did, too.  My birthday, however, always seems more of an afterthought, an aside.  “It’s January 14th.  What was it I needed to do today?  Oh, yeah – change the Brita filter.  Oh, and I think I may have given birth to someone or something … I’ll have to think about it.”

Gray tries to be sweet, but he suffers from the disease that doesn’t allow people to hold on to gifts until the speical day.  He gave me two Dave Matthews CDs last Wednesday.  A sweet thought to be sure … there’s just nothing to do today.

Maybe I’m just being pouty.  I just always get really depressed on this day.  My friends in Gboro don’t remember me, my family does but doesn’t care … oh well.

And the icing on the proverbial cake – I get to start work study today.  Whee.

10 thoughts on “

  1. OHHH! Happy Birthday! I get really depressed on mine as well. Try to have a wonderful day and just think that it’s all over at midnight then it’s just another day!

  2. Oh, sweetie. I wish I could say more than “Happy Birthday”…hmmmm, a gift, a gift…OH YEAH!

    My gift is a smile. Remeber that time, all those months ago, that we did battle with a certain little Xangan over a matter of alcohol!

    *reaches for her tequila bottle lightsaber*

    Smile, sweetie. And Happy Birthday.


  3. Don’t know that I’ve ever heard a birthday story that sounds more like a bad joke than the V8 & watermelon gum.  I was just making fun of V8 the other night, in fact.

    Happy Birthday & hope the day’s picked up!

  4. happy birthday sweetcheeks! being also, the oldest of four i feel your pain..this year my mom gave me a previously viewed video from blockbuster wrapped in a blockbuster bag with the price sticker still on the outside and the receipt in the bag to let me know it was 50% off


    i still love ya though


  5. Were you serious about the V8?  I could send you some of that new V8 Splash stuff if you’d like…   Happy belated birthday!

  6. Oh yeah…nothing can jack you up with regard to birthdays quite like your parents!

    Hang in there bebe…and happy bday!


  7. well, I’m late as usual. Sorry bout that. Happy belated birthday. My older brother gets to do everything and my yonger sister gets away with just about as much, and me…I’m just screwed in the whole deal. Make ya feel better? ….didn’t think so, but it was worth a try. Hope your next one’s better. We ya, Swirly!


  8. You must let us know these things early, how else are our gifts suppose to make it out on time. Next time send me an address, I’ll lavish you with ’em. Happy Late Birthday anyway.

  9. as the oldest I too feel ignored, especially on birthdays and holidays…

  10. Hope you had a good one anyway…did you treat yourself to something?

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