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The Google Game
for all I care

Blow all of your cash on packs of cigarettes for all I care.

Now you can go kick rocks for all I care.

Biologists call a leaf simple if it has a single blade – very legitimate, for all I care.

You can bark, whine, or howl at the moon for all I care but you are not getting into this cantina tonight.

For all I care, Mangino can continue to wear his old OU outfits as long as he can help the Jayhawks get a few wins.

They should have blue light specials for them at K-Mart for all I care.

Linux should take over the world for all I care.

They can take the Mona Lisa and drain bacon on it for all I care.

Draw cartoons with your elbow dipped in blood pudding for all I care.

4 thoughts on “

  1. Oooh Fab!!!

    I think I may follow in your footsteps and try out “so take that” or “and you can get fucked!”


    Nyz xo

  2. LOL, it is almost poetic.

  3. A fun game indeed!

  4. rockin. 🙂

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