Tales of Domestic Bliss
Your Inner What?
For the past two afternoons, Gray and I have sat side by side in the 24 computer lab here at school. Our computer died a couple of weeks ago, and we are both going through stress-induced-Internet-withdrawal. This seemed like a good solution for it, we both get to surf while spending time together goofing off.
We both ended up on Xanga. I have been the premier blogger in our little family of two, but Gray got the blogging bug and decided to “spiffy up” his site a little. With my help, of course.
We found ourselves following each other around on Xanga, commenting on the same sites and ultimately taking the same personality tests. I saw the results for one of them on his site and damn-near pissed myself. It seems that his inner supermodel is Naomi Campbell. Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself.