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Book Report

Gray had to start going through the process of a root canal this week. I went with him as the designated driver, he’s taking 650mg of Percocet every 4-6 hours, and for moral support. I took a book alone to entertain me while I held down the chairs in the various waiting rooms.

My first book was South of Reason  by Cindy Eppes. It is covered in my reviews section, which you can access through here.

Next I moved on to Carolina Moon by Jill McCorkle. I’ve read several of her other book and actually got to meet her about a year ago. She was raised in Lumberton, NC and now teaches at Harvard. Several of her books are set in this area, as was Carolina Moon. Though I found it a bit slow at times, it was a good read and I did enjoy it. There were several strong characters in it and I found myself relating to them easily.

Now I am immersed in David Sedaris’ book Naked. I can’t read this one in bed because I laugh so hard that I shake the bed, freaking out my hubby and the dog. It is wonderful so far, and I will make sure to check out his other works, too.

Okay, enough of Swirly’s book reports… back to our regularly scheduled blog, already in progress. I’ll start catching back up in here soon, I promise!

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Photoshop Tennis
as usual … click on images for larger sizes

The battle rages on, and I am bowled over by serve number 7, by my hubby:

I was blown away, and could only think of one thing to reply with for #8:

We’re nearing the end now – and it’s a close race!

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Photoshop Tennis
as usual … click on images for larger sizes

Gray and I have been playing Photoshop Tennis.  You may ask, ‘What is that?’ Well, good Xangan, I will tell you!

We got the idea from Gray’s brother, Chap, and used the web to find a few sites with more info.  Here, from, are the rules in short:
“It’s a pretty simple idea really. One player emails a photoshop document to the other containing a single layer. Each player progressively adds a layer until the match is over, either by time, withdrawal or mutual consent.”

We decided to not adhere by the layers rules so much as to keep one element from the previous image in the new one we created.

Gray started by doing the following thing in Photoshop and lobbing it over to me:

I had to respond with an image that used at least one element from his, but was changed somehow.  I replied with:

Back to him:

You get the idea.  The game is over with ten serves or if someone calls ‘Match!’ You’ve seen 1 – 3 already, so far, not really pushing the graphics envelope.  I decided to change the pace with #4:

On his next turn, he took my work and kicked it up a notch.  This image has a tad bit of nudity, so just know that before you click on it … This is serve #5:

My reply was a to take the theme, twist it a bit and toss back a slightly different version with new images … my 6th:

That’s the story thus far … more to come soon with this!

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Just For You

(My ex has found my Xanga site and thinks that he is clever for leaving a message for me in here.  I wonder what his new woman would think of this?  Hmmmm…)

Jason – Just to show the nice kind of person that I am, here is a listing of all the things that I have found on my Xanga site about you.  This way you can find everything to soothe your narcissistic personality twinges in one easy place instead of having to search all over my blog. From me & Gray to you – fun reading!

‘Spell of Binding’ 02/07/2001

‘Here’s Your Broom’ 02/08/2001

‘The Playstation’ 02/11/2001

‘Candyraver Fantasy’ 06/25/2001

My rant on him dated 10/02/2001

The Post That Got His Goat 03/16/2002

‘The ex-husband Joke’ 03/23/2002

(By the way, he had to create a Xanga profile in here to harass me, so for those who want to leave him a nice little message…)

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Guessing Game

Who is responsible for the following quotes?  Here’s a hint: there is a different person for each quote.  Leave your guesses in the comments section.  No cheating … good luck!

(1) “A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: Duh.”

(2) “If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.”

(3) “Remember in elementary school, you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic in that? Do tall people burn slower?”

(4) “Suppose you were an idiot… And suppose you were a member of Congress… But I repeat myself.”

(5) “Marriage is a great institution, but I’m not ready for an institution yet.”

(6) “Beethoven can write music, thank God – but he can do nothing else on earth.”

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Swirly’s Time Line

First Grade

Every summer lists were posted to tell you which classroom you would be in when school started back in late August. My fate – affixed crudely to the side of a brick wall with a piece of tape peeling from the heat and humidity of a hot North Carolina summer day. The clammy afternoon that the unvieling was to take place, Grandmaw wedged Lisa and me into the car and made her way to the school. The ride was painfully slow every year, but I remember this year being especially dawdling. I was so eager to start real school – the first grade was much more grown-up that kindergarten – not to mention that I was hoping to have Michelle in my class and to be relieved of Jason’s company. My legs stuck to the vinyl seat as I wished that Grandmaw’s feet could be changed into cement wedges, as it seemed the only way any pressure would ever come into contact with the gas pedal.

We arrived at school, and Grandmaw searched wildly for the parking gear.  It never changed position, but she seemed baffled each time she was forced to find it. Lisa and I climbed out and darted up to the wall. I was assigned to Mrs. Caviness’ class. Grandmaw told me that Michelle was in my class. Then she announced, “That little boy who was always in the hall is in there, too. Jason Fox. He was always in trouble, wasn’t he? Whenever I came to pick you up, he was there, with his nose to the wall. He always said, ‘Hey, Jennifer’s grandma!’ I’ll never forget it.”

She never did forget it, either. In fact, if for some bizarre reason I decided to call her right now and bring up Jason’s name, she would relate that same account again, almost word for word. This didn’t perturb me at the time, however. I was worried with more important matters: who Mrs. Caviness was, would I like her, would she like me, and would I be able to survive another year of Jason. At least I had Michelle to cushion the crushing blow of having the pervert in my class for another year.

Mrs. Caviness was the best-dressed teacher in our school. She was always impeccably groomed but still managed to seem comfortable and a tad bit casual. She was very caring and patient with her students. When she spoke her voice oozed with articulation, but broke even the worst of news in a kind and first-grader-level kind of way.

First grade allowed me to do more reading and to escape the growing tension between my grandmother and me. The dread of having to go home sat in and didn’t lift until high school was over. School was my refuge and I tried to make the best of it.

Mrs. Brady still taught art and I admired her more every time we had class. This was a year of good female role models for me. Too bad that would all change very soon. In the years to come I still sauntered at a snail’s pace by Mrs. Caviness’ class to see what fortunate kids got to share her room. I was always green with envy.

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True Confession

I ask you to suffer with me, fellow Xanganite. This chick in one of my classes is getting on my last nerve. She wears thongs all of the time in these jump-right-out-at-ya colors and they peek out about three to five inches above the waist of her pants.

It aggravates me to no end. Today it was hot pink. It was run-tell-your-mother-there-is-a-loose-woman-on-the-street-and-bring-the-dogs-in-bright-glowing-pink. Impossible to ignore.

But what do I do? Tell her, “I couldn’t help staring at your ass, Mary, but your underwear is disrupting the class.” *rolls eyes*

See why Crayola would never hire me? Crayons would have to be a foot long to accommodate the wrapper!

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When You Care Enough … or not

Looking on for a 1st anniversary e-card for someone.  I haven’t found the right one so far.

I want something that says “I am doing this out of some sense of obligation and a hope that your contempt for each other isn’t as strong as your contempt for me.”  Haven’t found it yet.

I would settle for “May the love that you two share never be visually or audibly or captured in any form.”  None there.

Even this would do: “May the image of your having sex with your husband, who resembles Humpty-Dumpty in an eerie fashion, never plague my mind at night.” You guessed it – nada.

I’m still looking.  Right now I’m leaning towards the one that simply says, “Happy Anniversary.”

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“Jenn,” asked Ree thoughtfully one day, “how would you react if you if you bumped into your ex-husband with another woman?”

“Another woman with MY ex-husband?” Jenn thought it over. “Let’s see; I’d break her cane, shoot her guide dog, and call a cab
to take her back to the institution she escaped from.”