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Shelly’s Tears

My friend Shelly, whom I’ve known for 14 years, has broken up with her boyfriend of three years.  It was a messy arrangement from the beginning and I never quite liked or understood the union.  My feelings aside, my freind thinks that she has lost three years of her life and is devastated.

Three years ago this whole thing happened again, she lost another three year relationship with my friend, Jim.  They drug it out for months, but in the end she needed to grow and get her education and he disagreed.

Two years ago her father suddenly died of a heartattack.  He was only in his late forties and no one would have guessed that this would happen.  Shelly was sexually molested by this monster as a child and emotionally and physically abused by him until she fled from home.  She never got to confront him about anything and felt that things would never be resolved.

What do I say to her other than that I love her?  How do I help put this newest thing in perspective?

I’ve told her that even though she sees this as a loss that she came about it by standing up for herself – a monumental gain.  I told her that she wasn’t that strong fiuve years ago and this is a good thing.  But how dod I make her understand this?

I’m getting married and she’s mending a broken heart.  She lost not only a boyfriend, but his son whom she has loved and mothered for three years.  While I know about the loss of a lover, I can’t imagine the loss of a child.

I don’t know how to help her and I so want to.

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Dum Dum Da Dum …

I am waist deep in wedding plans.  That’s right – I’m getting hitched.  Gray and I are tying the knot on March 2nd.  I am so excited!  Most of the details have been ironed out, but there are a few last minute things left and the RSVPs are coming in.

I swear the whole thing is worth going through if only for the cake: a chocolate cake, soaked in Grand-Marnier (a French cognac based orange liqueur) with fudge sauce with mandarin oranges folded into it.


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I have had it with my mother.  She may have given birth to me but that does not mean that I have to endure abusive treatment and the horrible things that she directs my way.  I have been fighting with her since Christmas and I refuse to let this ruin another holiday or any day for that matter.

Now if only it didn’t hurt so much …

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“Jenn is Bored” Poetry
part 1

It’s raining, it’s pouring
My day has been boring
Why must I be drenched
Is what I’m imploring

My pants legs are soaked
My hunger is stoked
If I weren’t so broked
I’d be all coked

Science class starts soon
It’s now past noon
I’m sitting beside a buffoon
Outside it’s a monsoon

— jwc 01.23.02

Thank you, thank you.

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Happy Pout Day to me!

Every year around this date I start to get anxious.  I wonder what that year’s birthday will bring.  I spend a lot of time telling myself not to get my hopes up, but I do in spite of myself.  When the big day rolls around, January 14th, I wake up and start to look around, all sparkly eyed.  What surprises await me?

The day drags on and I am forgotten to those around me.  My mother is always a disappointment.  She usually dons a card with little to no thought, signed witha hasty scrawl of “Mom.”

If I get a present it is something I would have liked when I was five.  Last year, for my 24th birthday, I got a teddy bear.  This year only a card marked the day.  It was sent through the mail – no phone call or anything.  At least it got here on time this year.  In 2000 she held on to it for three weeks waiting for me to come pick it up myself.  That year I lived 7 miles away.

I don’t want you to get the idea that I am some spoiled brat who expects a Lexxus in the driveway.  It’s not that at all.  It’s that I am the oldest of four and I always get snubbed on my birthday.  When I was 12 I got a 6-pack of V8 cans and a pack of watermelon bubble gum.  Four months later when my brother turned 3 he got over $50 worth of toys that he was too young to play with and a party.

It has always been this way – he and my youngest brother have always had parties, big gifts, lots of hoo-hah around the day – whatever they wanted.  My sister did, too.  My birthday, however, always seems more of an afterthought, an aside.  “It’s January 14th.  What was it I needed to do today?  Oh, yeah – change the Brita filter.  Oh, and I think I may have given birth to someone or something … I’ll have to think about it.”

Gray tries to be sweet, but he suffers from the disease that doesn’t allow people to hold on to gifts until the speical day.  He gave me two Dave Matthews CDs last Wednesday.  A sweet thought to be sure … there’s just nothing to do today.

Maybe I’m just being pouty.  I just always get really depressed on this day.  My friends in Gboro don’t remember me, my family does but doesn’t care … oh well.

And the icing on the proverbial cake – I get to start work study today.  Whee.

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Art of the Day

Marc Chagall
The Birthday, 1915
Oil on canvas

I replicated this in a project in my Elements of Design class in the fall.  I discovered just HOW MUCH detail there was in it.  I am amazed and in awe of Mr. Chagall’s attention to detail.

I’m off to celebrate my own birthday, this coming Monday, early.  Have a good weekend, all!

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The New Semester Begins

Back in school and in the computer lab.  Here is the schedule for this semester:

ART 140 – Intro to Printmaking – TR 1100-1345
ART 230 – Intro to Comp Graphics – TR 0800-1045
ART 427 – Native American Art History – MF 1000-1115
PHS 110 – Physical Science I – MWF 1330-1420
PSY 360 – Abnormal Psychology – MWF 1130-1220

M=Monday T=Tuesday W=Wednesday R=Thursday F=Friday
All times are military hours, civilian minutes.

I’m also doing work study again, but I’m babysitting the Art dept’s Mac lab instead of playing gopher for the Art dept secretary – a much needed promotion.

I have decided NOT to work on the school newspaper due to the Mickey Mouse politics of the editor and the pissy pay that I got last time.  The position required almost 30 hours per month but only pays $200 per smester.  I can get more out of my time if I devote those hours to homework, art projects or cleaning the house.

I will also try my best to actually WRITE in this blog, too.  Any requests?

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Scheduling Out The Wazoo

Finals are next week and I am more than glad.  I need a break.  Gray (G) and I (J) are going to be busy, though.  No lounging around for us, no siree.

This is a peek at the itenerary:

– write a play review of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
– write a play analysis on “A Doll’s House
– write a paper about doing tech crew for the student production of “Working
G – continued clean up in the apartment from the washer’s flooing on Thursday afternoon

– finish cabbage still life for Intro to Drawing
– write out outline for in-class-paper/exam for World Civ
– last minute proofreading of all those freaking theatre papers
– study for Intro to Theatre exam
G – provide food and moral support for cranky J

DEC 10
10:30 – (J) Intro to Theatre exam

DEC 11
08:00 – (J) Intro to Drawing portfolio review
10:30 – (J) World Civ in-class-paper/exam

DEC 12
11:00 – (J) Elements of Design portfolio review

DEC 13
08:00 – G & J … pick up rental car for trip to DC

DEC 14
G & J
… still in DC

DEC 15
G & J
… still in DC

DEC 16
@17:00 – G & J leave DC for home

DEC 17
G & J
help G‘s mom with moving, packing, etc.

DEC 18
G & J
help G‘s mom with moving, packing, etc.

DEC 19
G & J
help G‘s mom with moving, packing, etc.

DEC 20
G & J
finally START Christmas shopping

DEC 21
G & J 
Christmas shopping, cont’d

DEC 22
– start baking for G‘s family Cmas get-together

DEC 23
G & J
– clean apartment, finish doing shopping, wrapping

DEC 24
G & J
leave for G‘s parents

DEC 25
Still with G‘s fam

DEC 26
G & J – travel to J‘s friend Mitch’s house

DEC 27
G & J
… still with Mitch

DEC 28
G & J
leave for J‘s Uncle Curtis’ house

DEC 29
Still with J‘s uncle

DEC 30
@ 18:00 – G & J leave to go back home

… I guess I’d better get that Paxil refill soon – geez.

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Test Taking

I took a test for my History 115 (World Civs since 1500) class today.  I hope to God that I passed it.  I got in there and blanked out.  Bolivar?  What did he do again?  Geez …

Does this happen to anyone else?  I mean, I listen in class, take faboo notes, reread the material, study and as soon as the test paper hits my desk … nothing.

Arrgh …