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School Daze
The Schedule – The Unveiling

ART 132 – Intro to Drawing   MWF  0800-0950
HST 115 – World Civ since 1500   MF  1000-1115
ART 101 – Elements of Design   MWF  1230-1420
THE 250 – Intro to Theatre   TR¹  0930-1045

Above, you will see my schedule.  Work study is still an unknown variable at this time.

¹R = Thursday

So far so good.  I am really enjoying my classes and, as usual, there are plenty of unusual students to keep these interesting.

Also, I found out that I will be assisting the Art Dept. secretary for my work study duties.  Did I mention that this guy will be my supervisor?  And that he is also the nude model for the drawing class I have?  Yup.  I will be drawing my supervisors winky for a grade.

Why do these things happen to me?

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Bad News

Well it seems that here at UNCP between the last day of summer session (today) and the first day of the fall semester (Aug. 20th) they roll up the street and lock all the doors.  That is to say, the computer lab is closed and off limits.  My only door to the virtual world is barred and guarded by the Pembroke Police Department.  What a sad, sad state of events.

I have been rather remiss in my duties here due to an incredibly demanding move, a back injury and a Sociology Concepts course that I finished today.  I might add that the new apartment is wonderful, the back is better and the final grade for SOC 201 was a 95.

As I type this very message the UNCP policeman is standing at the door waiting to lock it up for three weeks.  Tears streaming down my face, I will make him wait until this is done. *sniff*

I have missed and will continue to miss you dear Xangans, but I vow to return with fervor as soon as this obstruction of justice is lifted.  Have a great August and in the words of Arnold, “I’ll be back!”

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Kindergarten Incidents
part 2

The Huckleberry Hound Record
One segment of kindergarten that I remember well was the time each week when we got to bring in a record for the class to listen to.  As I’ve said before, other than Boxcar Willie and Gene Autrey, there were no records other than gospel stuff at my grandparents house.

My cousin Janet gave me one album of a two album set of a Huckleberry Hound story.  I couldn’t listen to it at home, so I took it to school so that I could finally hear it.  The only problem was that it was a 45, not a regualr album, and the record player in our class didn’t have an adpator.  So after all of my excitement, I was embarrassed when it was announced that my record was “no good”.

I finally got an attachment and listened to that record when I was 12 years old or so.  Quite a disappointment then, too.

I met the girl who would be a great friend, until the 10th grade, while in kindergarten.  She was a tiny little thing with wavy blonde hair and green eyes.  We had the same middle name and she used that instead of her first name.

As I said, Michelle was tiny.  She was really short, even by kinergarten standards.  Compared to me, 4′ 5″ at the time, she was even shorter.  This was a running gag for years.  She used this to her advantage, though, and I became the intimidator.  I just hung around with her and people would leave her alone.

Michelle was at my table the day of the “purple leaf” incident and encouraged my artistic flair from that point on.  She liked doodling, too, so we had that in common.  We played together during recess and after the handcuffs episode, Jason started chasing her … well, until the intimidator appeared.  He steered clear of both of us after that.

Eric Sails
He was a pudgy little guy, but I was instantly smitten.  Most of the boys in our class were gross and picked their noses and such, but Eric was a dreamboat.  He had black hair and blue eyes and captured my affection until the eight grade.

Eric and Michelle were both in the first reading group in our class.  The three of us got awards at the end of the year and were in the Ronald McDonald book club.  I was a geek from the get go …

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Little Joke For Ya

“It’s just too hot to wear clothes today,” Jack said as he stepped out of the shower.  “Honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?”

“Probably that I married you for your money,” she replied.

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Stupid People
part 2 – Stupid People on the News

I don’t like weather men and women in this area.  In fact, all of the news people around here irk me.  It seems that they bitch about the weather every day.

Now, I am guilty of bitching about the heat, but these people have me beat, hands down.  They gripe all summer about the heat, the humidity, blah blah blah.  So then we have the first day that it stays at about 65F.  It’s not boiling hot, rather nice actually.  Are they happy?  Nooooooooooo.  They keep on bitching.  “Where did this cold air come from, Dave?  When can we expect to see some more warm weather?”  When winter rolls around, they change their tune to, “When can we expect to see some higher temperatures?” (Hey, aren’t you the same goober that was complaining about that warm weather the other day?  It’s called making up your mind … look into it.)

If the temperature was hovering around the 40F mark, they whine, “When is it going to heat up, Dave?”

If it was 80F, “When is it going to cool down, Dave?”

If it has been raining, “When is it going to clear up, Dave?”

If it stops raining, “When are we going to get some more rain, Dave?”

If it has been 60F, clear with a slight breeze blowing, “When are you going to stop sleeping with my wife, Dave?”

You’d think that they would just use that massive amount of hair spray to fix the cloud in the position they way that they want them.  These are people whose thrill of the week is getting to report which celebrity the Betty Ford Clinic is cleaning up this week.  And perhaps therein lies the problem …

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I’m baaaaaaack …

Well, after a few days of listening to Kathie Lee and watching Barney, I am back!  I missed to all so much!  Thanks for all of the threats to the enapper – they must have worked!  You love me, I love you …

“I love you, you love me, we’re a happy Xanga family …”

What the hell was that?  Geez …  flashback, I guess.

I think my incessant nagging got to him.  That and all of the giggling.  Let me share a scene with you:

Me: (Giggle giggle giggle)
Enapper: What is so funny over there?
Me: Oh, I was just thinking about something that I want to post on Xanga.
Enapper: Well, hush all ready.
Me: Okay.

two minutes later …

Me: (Giggle giggle giggle)
Enapper: What is so funny over there this time?
Me: Oh, I was just thinking about something that I read on Nyree’s site.
Enapper: Okay … SHUT UP!
Me: Okay. (giggle, giggle.)
Enapper: FINE! Tell me what it was!
Me: Oh … ya had to be there.

After a few rounds of that, he was looking for my handcuffs key.