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True Confession

My most recent art projects have been taking images from my dreams/nightmares and putting them on paper. The last one is of my step-father, mother, grandparents and ex-husband with huge ghostly faces, smiling and laughing at me. They were surrounding me and all had demonic tails. I was about 1/100th their size and wrapped in a cocoon-like manner. Their faces were all twisted and maniacal. Bizarre, but I got a really good response from my classmates. I’ll have to scan it in when I’m done.

6 thoughts on “

  1. Marvelous! I’m looking forward to the painting!

    Ps: I said hi to Gray as promised and commented on some of his blogs. He seems like a terrific guy, Jenn.

  2. I’m looking forward to seeing that one. 

  3. Wow. Can’t wait to see that one. I just love using art to release emotions like that…it’s so theraputic.


  4. Oooh, please do!

  5. Wow. That’s a hard dream. Mine is of me locked in a tiny tiger cage. The cage is suspended from an iron chain and is being lowered into a pit filled with people throwing spears and rocks at me. I’d like to do that either as a wood cut, or with oil sticks.

  6. Wow..that is quite scary. What did your classmates say about it?

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